Source code for openam

"""python-openam is an python wrapper for the OpenAM Rest API."""
import requests
import json

__author__ = 'Werner Dijkerman'
__version__ = '0.0.3'
__license__ = "Apache License 2.0"
__email__ = ""

[docs]class Openam(object): """OpenAM Rest Interface."""
[docs] def __init__(self, openam_url='', resource=1.0, protocol=1.0, timeout=10, cookiename="iplanetDirectoryPro"): """Will initialize the openam module. :param openam_url: The complete URL to the OpenAM server. :type openam_url: str :param resource: The username to login. :type resource: str :param protocol: The password for the user configured in username. :type protocol: str :param timeout: HTTP requests timeout in seconds. :type timeout: int :param cookiename: The name of the cookie. :type cookiename: str """ if not openam_url: raise ValueError('This interface needs an OpenAM URL to work!') self.openam_url = openam_url self.resource = resource self.protocol = protocol self.cookiename = cookiename self.headers = {} self.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' self.headers[cookiename] = None self.timeout = int(timeout)
def _get(self, uri, headers=None): """Will do an 'GET' request to get information via the API. :param uri: The uri you want to get. :type uri: str :param headers: The http headers that are needed for the request. :type headers: dict :return: A dict with information that is retrieved from OpenAM """ if self.openam_url[-1:] == '/': openam_path = self.openam_url + uri else: openam_path = self.openam_url + "/" + uri return requests.get(openam_path, headers=headers, timeout=self.timeout) def _post(self, uri, data=None, headers=None): """Post information via the API. :param uri: The uri that is used for posting the data. :type uri: str :param data: The data that is posted to the API. :type data: str :param headers: The http headers that are needed for the request. :type headers: dict :rtype: dict :return: A dict with information that is retrieved from OpenAM """ if self.openam_url[-1:] == '/': openam_path = self.openam_url + uri else: openam_path = self.openam_url + "/" + uri try: data =, headers=headers, data=data, timeout=self.timeout) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: data = {'error': e} return data def _put(self, uri, data=None, headers=None): """Put information via the API. :param uri: The uri that is used for putting the data. :type uri: str :param data: The data that is put to the API. :type data: str :param headers: The http headers that are needed for the request. :type headers: dict :rtype: dict :return: A dict with information that is retrieved from OpenAM """ if self.openam_url[-1:] == '/': openam_path = self.openam_url + uri else: openam_path = self.openam_url + "/" + uri try: data = requests.put(openam_path, headers=headers, data=data, timeout=self.timeout) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: data = {'error': e} return data def _delete(self, uri, headers=None): """Delete information via the API. :param uri: The uri that is used for deleting the data. :type uri: str :param headers: The http headers that are needed for the request. :type headers: dict :rtype: dict :return: A dict with information that is retrieved from OpenAM """ if self.openam_url[-1:] == '/': openam_path = self.openam_url + uri else: openam_path = self.openam_url + "/" + uri try: data = requests.delete(openam_path, headers=headers, timeout=self.timeout) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: data = {'error': e} return data def _uri_realm_creator(self, endpoint="json", realm=None, uri=None, arguments=None): """Creating the uri if there is a realm provided. :param endpoint: The endpoint to be used. Default set to 'json'. Other examples can be: 'xacml' and 'frrest' :type endpoint: str :param realm: The name of the realm :type realm: str :param uri: The uri after the 'realm' part. :type uri: str :param arguments: If some arguments needs to be appended to the uri. :type arguments: str :rtype: str :return: Returns a uri with or without the realm. """ if realm is not None: uri = endpoint + '/' + realm + '/' + uri else: uri = endpoint + '/' + uri if arguments is not None: uri += arguments return uri def _type_validator(self, type=None): """Validating if a type is set to one of the 3 possibilities. If not, 'users' will be used as type. :param type: The name of the type :type type: str :rtype: str :return: The correct type. """ if type not in ['agents', 'users', 'groups']: type = 'users' return type def _to_string(self, data=None): """Converts a dict or a list to a string. List will be space seperated. :param data: A data set :type data: dict or list :rtype: str :return: The data changed to string """ if not data: raise ValueError("Please provide a correct data structure.") if isinstance(data, dict): return str(json.dumps(data)) elif isinstance(data, list): return ' '.join(data) else: return data
[docs] def authenticate(self, realm=None, username=None, password=None, login_params=None): """Will authenticate the configured user on OpenAM. When successful, a http header is added to the current headers with the the value of the 'cookiename' (Default is set to 'iplanetDirectoryPro') name and has the value from the retrieved tokenId. :param realm: The name of the realm on which the user needs to auhtenticate on. (Optional, when realms are used.) :type realm: str :param username: The username which is used to authenticate against OpenAM. :type username: str :param password: The password for the user configured on 'username' :type password: str :param login_params: Extra arguments that are appended to the authenticate uri. Can be used for authenticating against a module or specific chain. Example: ?authIndexType=module&authIndexValue=myLdapModule :type login_params: str :rtype: dict :return: A dict with the keys 'succesUrl' and 'tokenId'. :Example: >>> import openam >>> am = openam.Openam(openam_url="") >>> am.authenticate(username="amadmin", password="password_openam") {u'successUrl': u'/openam/console', u'tokenId': u'AQIC5wM2LY4SfcxpamATDDJ7bGltWGY0fjfPO12mGFymFk8.*AAJTSQA.. '} >>> am.logout() """ if not username: raise ValueError("You will need to provide a username to login.") if not password: raise ValueError("You will need to provide a password to login.") post_data = '{}' self.realm = realm cookiename = self.cookiename login_headers = self.headers login_headers['X-OpenAM-Username'] = username login_headers['X-OpenAM-Password'] = password uri = self._uri_realm_creator(realm=realm, uri="authenticate", arguments=login_params) data = self._post(uri=uri, data=post_data, headers=login_headers) if data.status_code == 200: json_data = data.json() self.headers[cookiename] = json_data['tokenId'] return json_data else: return False
[docs] def logout(self): """Will logout the current user from OpenAM. :rtype: bool :return: True if logout was successful, False when won't. :Example: >>> import openam >>> am = openam.Openam(openam_url="") >>> am.authenticate(username="amadmin", password="password_openam") >>> am.logout() True """ post_data = '{}' uri = self._uri_realm_creator(realm=self.realm, uri="sessions/?_action=logout") data = self._post(uri=uri, data=post_data, headers=self.headers) if data.status_code == 200: return True else: return False
[docs] def get_serverinfo(self, property=None): """Get all - or when provided with the property - server related information. :param property: The type of information needed. When none is provided, all available configuration is returned (*). :type property: str :rtype: dict :return: Server specific information from OpenAM. :Example: >>> import openam >>> am = openam.Openam(openam_url="") >>> am.authenticate(username="amadmin", password="password_openam") >>> am.get_serverinfo(property="cookieDomains") {u'domains': [u'']} >>> am.logout() """ if property is None: property = '*' uri = 'json/serverinfo/' + property data = self._get(uri=uri, headers=self.headers) if data.status_code == 200: return data.json() else: return False
[docs] def token_validation(self, realm=None, token=None): """Validate if the session is active. :param realm: The name of the realm. :type realm: str :param token: The token id. :type token: str :rtype: dict :return: Information if token is active or not. :Example: >>> import openam >>> am = openam.Openam(openam_url="") >>> auth_data = am.authenticate(username="amadmin", password="password_openam") >>> am.token_validation(token=auth_data['tokenId']) {u'valid': True, u'realm': u'/', u'uid': u'amadmin'} >>> am.logout() """ token_url = 'sessions/' + token + '?_action=validate' uri = self._uri_realm_creator(realm=realm, uri=token_url) data = self._post(uri=uri, data='{}', headers=self.headers) if data.status_code == 200: return data.json() else: return False
[docs] def session_information(self, action=None, token=None): """Will give information about the provided session. :param action: :type action: str :param token: The token id. :type token: str :rtype: dict :return: Information about the session. :Example: >>> import openam >>> am = openam.Openam(openam_url="") >>> auth_data = am.authenticate(username="amadmin", password="password_openam") >>> am.session_information(action="getMaxTime", token=auth_data['tokenId']) {u'maxtime': 7199} >>> am.logout() """ if not action: raise ValueError("Please provide a correct action you want to take.") if not token: raise ValueError("Please provide a token.") uri = 'json/sessions/?_action=' + action + '&tokenId=' + token data = self._post(uri=uri, data='{}', headers=self.headers) if data.status_code == 200: return data.json() else: return False
[docs] def create_identity(self, realm=None, type="users", user_data=None): """Create an identity. This can be one of the following types. * users * agents * groups It can be configured by using the correct value in **type**. When something else is used other than the 3 mentioned types, **users** will be used. :param realm: The name of the realm. :type realm: str :param type: The type of identity you want to create. :type type: str :param user_data: All necessary information needed to create an identity. :type user_data: dict :rtype: json :return: All information regarding the created identity. :Example: >>> import openam >>> am = openam.Openam(openam_url="") >>> auth_data = am.authenticate(username="amadmin", password="password_openam") >>> user_data = {"username": "bjensen", "userpassword": "secret12", "mail": ""} >>> am.create_identity(user=user_data) {u'username': u'bjensen', u'dn': [u'uid=bjensen,ou=people,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org'], u'realm': u'/'..} >>> am.create_identity(user=user_data) {u'reason': u'Conflict', u'code': 409, u'message': u'Resource already exists'} >>> am.logout() """ if not user_data: raise ValueError("Please provide correct user information.") user_data = self._to_string(data=user_data) type = self._type_validator(type=type) uri = self._uri_realm_creator(realm=realm, uri=type + '/?_action=create') data = self._post(uri=uri, data=user_data, headers=self.headers) return data.json()
[docs] def list_identities(self, realm=None, type="users", query=None): """List or search an identity. This can be one of the following types. * users * agents * groups :param realm: The name of the realm. :type realm: str :param type: The type of identity you want to search. :type type: str :param query: Search pattern for finding the correct username/agentname/groupname. :type query: str :rtype: json :return: Information of the found identities. :Example: >>> import openam >>> am = openam.Openam(openam_url="") >>> auth_data = am.authenticate(username="amadmin", password="password_openam") >>> am.list_identities(query="demo") {u'totalPagedResultsPolicy': u'NONE', u'pagedResultsCookie': None, u'totalPagedResults': -1, u'result': [{u'username': u'demo', u'dn' ... >>> am.logout() """ if query is None: query = '*' type = self._type_validator(type=type) uri = self._uri_realm_creator(realm=realm, uri=type + '/?_queryID=' + query) data = self._get(uri=uri, headers=self.headers) return data.json()
[docs] def get_identity(self, realm=None, type="users", username=None, fields=None): """Get an identity. This can be one of the following types. * users * agents * groups :param realm: The name of the realm. :type realm: str :param type: The type of identity you want to search. :type type: str :param username: username/agentname/groupname to lookup. :type username: str :param fields: The fields you want to retrieve. When None is given, all information is returned. :type fields: str :rtype: json :return: False when no user is found, otherwise information about the identity. :Example: >>> import openam >>> am = openam.Openam(openam_url="") >>> auth_data = am.authenticate(username="amadmin", password="password_openam") >>> am.get_identity(username="demo") {u'username': u'demo', u'dn': [u'uid=demo,ou=people,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org'], u'realm': u'/', ... >>> am.logout() """ if not username: raise ValueError("Please provide a username.") type = self._type_validator(type=type) uri = self._uri_realm_creator(realm=realm, uri=type + '/' + username) if fields is not None: uri = uri + '?_fields=' + fields data = self._get(uri=uri, headers=self.headers) if data.status_code == 200: return data.json() else: return False
[docs] def update_identity(self, realm=None, type="users", username=None, user_data=None): """Update an identity. This can be one of the following types. * users * agents * groups :param realm: The name of the realm. :type realm: str :param type: The type of identity you want to update. :type type: str :param username: The username/agentname/groupname that needs to be updated. :type username: str :param user_data: The information you want to update. :type user_data: dict :rtype: json :return: All information regarding the updated identity. :Example: >>> import openam >>> am = openam.Openam(openam_url="") >>> auth_data = am.authenticate(username="amadmin", password="password_openam") >>> user_data = { "mail": "" } >>> am.update_identity(username="demo", user_data=user_data) {u'username': u'demo', u'dn': [u'uid=demo,ou=people,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org'], u'realm': u'/', ... >>> am.logout() """ if not username: raise ValueError("Please provide a username.") if not user_data: raise ValueError("Please provide correct user information.") user_data = self._to_string(data=user_data) type = self._type_validator(type=type) uri = self._uri_realm_creator(realm=realm, uri=type + '/' + username) data = self._put(uri=uri, data=user_data, headers=self.headers) return data.json()
[docs] def delete_identity(self, realm=None, type="users", username=None): """Delete an identity. This can be one of the following types. * users * agents * groups :param realm: The name of the realm. :type realm: str :param type: The type of identity you want to delete. :type type: str :param username: The username/agentname/groupname that needs to be deleted. :type username: str :rtype: json :return: Information if the deleting went successful. :Example: >>> import openam >>> am = openam.Openam(openam_url="") >>> auth_data = am.authenticate(username="amadmin", password="password_openam") >>> am.delete_identity(username="bjensen") {u'success': u'true'} >>> am.logout() """ if not username: raise ValueError("Please provide a username.") type = self._type_validator(type=type) uri = self._uri_realm_creator(realm=realm, uri=type + '/' + username) data = self._delete(uri=uri, headers=self.headers) return data.json()
[docs] def change_password(self, username=None, user_data=None): """Change the password for the given user. :param username: The username of the identity. :type username: str :param user_data: The old and new password. :type user_data: dict :rtype: bool :return: True when successful password change, otherwise a False. :Example: >>> import openam >>> am = openam.Openam(openam_url="") >>> auth_data = am.authenticate(username="amadmin", password="password_openam") >>> user_data = {"currentpassword": "secret12", "userpassword": "secret13"} >>> am.change_password(username="bjensen", user_data=user_data) True >>> am.logout() """ if not username: raise ValueError("Please provide a username.") if not user_data: raise ValueError("Please provide correct user information.") user_data = self._to_string(data=user_data) uri = 'json/users/' + username + '?_action=changePassword' data = self._post(uri=uri, data=user_data, headers=self.headers) if data.status_code == 200: return True else: return False
[docs] def create_realm(self, realm_data=None): """Creating a realm. :param realm_data: Realm data that is needed for creating the realm. :type realm_data: dict :rtype: dict :return: All information regarding the created realm. :Example: >>> import openam >>> am = openam.Openam(openam_url="") >>> auth_data = am.authenticate(username="amadmin", password="password_openam") >>> realm_data = {"realm": "myRealm"} >>> am.create_realm(realm_data=realm_data) {u'realmCreated': u'/myRealm'} >>> am.logout() """ if not realm_data: raise ValueError("Please provide correct realm_data information.") realm_data = self._to_string(data=realm_data) uri = 'json/realms/?_action=create' data = self._post(uri=uri, data=realm_data, headers=self.headers) return data.json()
[docs] def get_realm(self, realm=None): """Get information of the given realm. :param realm: The name of the realm. :type realm: str :rtype: dict :return: All information about the realm. :Example: >>> import openam >>> am = openam.Openam(openam_url="") >>> auth_data = am.authenticate(username="amadmin", password="password_openam") >>> am.get_realm(realm="myRealm") {u'serviceNames': [u'sunAMDelegationService', u'iPlanetAMAuthService', u'iPlanetAMPolicyConfigService', .. } >>> am.logout() """ if not realm: raise ValueError("Please provide correct realm name.") uri = 'json/realms/' + realm data = self._get(uri=uri, headers=self.headers) if data.status_code == 200: return data.json() else: return False
[docs] def list_realms(self, realm=None): """Get information on all (sub) realms that are configured. :param realm: The name of the realm. :type realm: str :rtype: dict :return: Information with all realms. :Example: >>> import openam >>> am = openam.Openam(openam_url="") >>> auth_data = am.authenticate(username="amadmin", password="password_openam") >>> am.list_realms() {u'totalPagedResultsPolicy': u'NONE', u'pagedResultsCookie': None, u'totalPagedResults': -1, u'result': [u'/', u'/myRealm'] >>> am.logout() """ uri = self._uri_realm_creator(realm=realm, uri='realms?_queryFilter=true') data = self._get(uri=uri, headers=self.headers) if data.status_code == 200: return data.json() else: return False
[docs] def update_realm(self, realm=None, realm_data=None): """Updating a realm. :param realm: The name of the realm. :type realm: str :param realm_data: Realm data that is needed for updating the realm. :rtype: dict :return: Information if the update is successful. :Example: >>> import openam >>> am = openam.Openam(openam_url="") >>> auth_data = am.authenticate(username="amadmin", password="password_openam") >>> realm_data = {"sunOrganizationStatus": "Inactive"} >>> am.update_realm(realm="myRealm", realm_data=realm_data) {u'realmUpdated': u'/myRealm'} >>> am.logout() """ if not realm: raise ValueError("Please provide a realm.") if not realm_data: raise ValueError("Please provide correct realm_data information.") realm_data = self._to_string(data=realm_data) uri = 'json/realms/' + realm data = self._put(uri=uri, data=realm_data, headers=self.headers) return data.json()
[docs] def delete_realm(self, realm=None): """Deleting a realm. :param realm: The name of the realm. :type realm: str :rtype: dict :return: Information if delete is successful. :Example: >>> import openam >>> am = openam.Openam(openam_url="") >>> auth_data = am.authenticate(username="amadmin", password="password_openam") >>> am.delete_realm(realm="myRealm") {u'success': u'true'} >>> am.logout() """ if not realm: raise ValueError("Please provide a realm.") uri = 'json/realms/' + realm data = self._delete(uri=uri, headers=self.headers) return data.json()
[docs] def list_resourcetypes(self, realm=None, query=None): """Listing all resourcetypes that are available. :param realm: The name of the realm. :type realm: str :param query: :type query: str :rtype: dict :return: Information about all resourcetypes. :Example: >>> import openam >>> am = openam.Openam(openam_url="") >>> auth_data = am.authenticate(username="amadmin", password="password_openam") >>> am.list_resourcetypes() {u'totalPagedResultsPolicy': u'NONE', u'pagedResultsCookie': None, u'totalPagedResults': -1, u'result': [{u'description': u'The built-in delegation ..' .. >>> am.logout() """ if query is None: query = str(True) uri = self._uri_realm_creator(realm=realm, uri='resourcetypes?_queryFilter=' + query) data = self._get(uri=uri, headers=self.headers) if data.status_code == 200: return data.json() else: return False
[docs] def get_resourcetype(self, realm=None, uuid=None): """Get all information about a specific resourcetype. :param realm: The name of the realm. :typr realm: str :param uuid: The unique uuid. :type uuid: str :rtype: dict :return: All information about one resourcetype. :Example: >>> import openam >>> am = openam.Openam(openam_url="") >>> auth_data = am.authenticate(username="amadmin", password="password_openam") >>> am.get_resourcetype(uuid='20a13582-1f32-4f83-905f-f71ff4e2e00d') {u'description': u'The built-in delegation Resource Type available to OpenAM Policies.', u'lastModifiedDate': 1422892465848, ... >>> am.logout() """ if not uuid: raise ValueError("Please provide a uuid for a resourcetype.") uri = self._uri_realm_creator(realm=realm, uri='resourcetypes/' + uuid) data = self._get(uri=uri, headers=self.headers) if data.status_code == 200: return data.json() else: return False
[docs] def create_resourcetype(self, realm=None, resource_data=None): """Creating a resouretype. :param realm: The name of the realm. :type realm: str :param resource_data: All information needed for creating the resourcetype. :type resource_data: dict :rtype: dict :return: Information about the just created resourcetype. :Example: >>> import openam >>> am = openam.Openam(openam_url="") >>> auth_data = am.authenticate(username="amadmin", password="password_openam") >>> create_resourcetype = { >>> "name": "My Resource Type", >>> "actions": { >>> "LEFT": "true", >>> "RIGHT": "true", >>> "UP": "true", >>> "DOWN": "true" >>> }, >>> "patterns": [ >>> "http://device/location/*" >>> ] >>> } >>> am.create_resourcetype(resource_data=create_resourcetype) {u'description': None, u'lastModifiedDate': 1472947547951, u'actions': {u'DOWN': True ... >>> am.logout() """ if not resource_data: raise ValueError("Please provide correct resource_data information.") resource_data = self._to_string(data=resource_data) uri = self._uri_realm_creator(realm=realm, uri='resourcetypes/?_action=create') data = self._post(uri=uri, data=resource_data, headers=self.headers) return data.json()
[docs] def update_resourcetype(self, realm=None, uuid=None, resource_data=None): """Updating a resourcetype. :param realm: The name of the realm. :type realm: str :param uuid: The unique uuid. :type uuid: str :param resource_data: All information needed for updating the resourcetype. :type resource_data: dict :rtype: dict :return: Information about the updated resourcetype. :Example: >>> import openam >>> am = openam.Openam(openam_url="") >>> auth_data = am.authenticate(username="amadmin", password="password_openam") >>> resource_data = { >>> "uuid": "c1d1c11b-f101-4ecd-ab6f-26044e027f87", >>> "name": "My Updated Resource Type", >>> "actions": { >>> "LEFT": "false", >>> "RIGHT": "false", >>> "UP": "false", >>> "DOWN": "false" >>> }, >>> "patterns": [ >>> "http://device/location/*" >>> ] >>> } {u'description': None, u'lastModifiedDate': 1472947723472, u'actions': { ... }, u'name': u'My Updated Resource Type', >>> am.logout() """ if not uuid: raise ValueError("Please provide a uuid for a resourcetype.") if not resource_data: raise ValueError("Please provide correct resource_data information.") resource_data = self._to_string(data=resource_data) uri = self._uri_realm_creator(realm=realm, uri='resourcetypes/' + uuid) data = self._put(uri=uri, data=resource_data, headers=self.headers) return data.json()
[docs] def delete_resourcetype(self, realm=None, uuid=None): """Deleting a resourcetype by providing a uuid. :param realm: The name of the realm. :type realm: str :param uuid: The unique uuid. :type uuid: str :rtype: dict :return: Not much. :Example: >>> import openam >>> am = openam.Openam(openam_url="") >>> auth_data = am.authenticate(username="amadmin", password="password_openam") >>> am.delete_resourcetype(uuid="c1d1c11b-f101-4ecd-ab6f-26044e027f87") {} >>> am.logout() """ if not uuid: raise ValueError("Please provide a uuid for a resourcetype.") uri = self._uri_realm_creator(realm=realm, uri='resourcetypes/' + uuid) data = self._delete(uri=uri, headers=self.headers) return data.json()
[docs] def xacml_export_policies(self, realm=None, query=None): """ :param realm: :param query: :return: """ uri = self._uri_realm_creator(realm=realm, endpoint="xacml", uri="policies") data = self._get(uri=uri, headers=self.headers) if data.status_code == 200: return data.text else: return False
[docs] def xacml_import_policy(self, realm=None, policy_data=None, dryrun=None): """ :param realm: :param policy_data: :param dryrun: :return: """ headers = {} cookiename = self.cookiename headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xml' headers[cookiename] = self.headers[cookiename] uri = self._uri_realm_creator(realm=realm, endpoint="xacml", uri="policies") if dryrun: uri += '?dryrun=true' data = self._post(uri=uri, data=policy_data, headers=headers) return data.json()